Sabtu, 09 April 2011

BlackBerry Playbook

In the end, the BlackBerry manual is finally available for preorder. The Playbook Wi-Fi-equipped to come in 16GB, 32GB, and 64GB versions, which will be $ 499, $ 599, and $ 699, respectively. Primarily, this reflects the price of 2's iPad right, at least for models of Wi-Fi-only. Playbook will be in Best Buy stores starting April 19 in the United States and in Canada. These tablets will also be available at Best Buy Mobile stores in the U.S. and Future Shop stores in Canada. If you want to get a head start, you can start placing your initial preorders today at 8 am ET.

As a refresher, Playbook runs on QNX platform, which allows for robust multitasking. It also has a 1GHz dual-core processor, 1GB of RAM, Micro-HDMI output, 1080p video playback, a 5 megapixel camera on the back, and 3-megapixel camera on the front. The screen size is only 7 inches diagonally. For more of our impressions about the guidelines, see our earlier blog posts and video we shot it at CES 2011.

Nintendo 3DS

For $ 250 that 3DS hits store shelves at prices far above its predecessor the DS. Larger number can also cause many a moment and consider where to spend their money. Although the date and also to be replaced soon, the PSP can be had for about half as much and offers a bigger screen, arguably look better, and doubles as both a portable movie player. The iPod Touch 8GB, no slouch game especially with the screen of the retina, also comes in a less with a price tag $ 229. Xbox 360, although one without a hard drive, costs only $ 199. For that purpose, as well as the Nintendo Wii itself. Basically I can buy one of them and games for the price of a 3DS. Cost of ownership is also rising. Games for 3DS, at least available at launch, costs $ 40. All told, glasses-less 3D comes as quite expensive luxury.
DS fitted look
But when I opened the box 3DS I do not see something that looks like a premium device that will deliver the 3D revolution. No, I see what looks like my trusty DS after someone has been playing around with it at an electronics store. From the outside looks harmless enough 3DS. Roughly similar to the DS in size and shape, edge angle makes 3DS looks more like a model earlier than the latest and greatest. And the coloring is slightly different between the base and lid to give the whole thing look unrivaled.
Inside, it offers functional improvements but keep the assembled visible. 3D screen look sophisticated against black bezel piano lid, but for a new screen size that I do not understand why this is not the same large viewable area that can be crammed into the lid. It also looks out of place compared to the rest of the machine. Return the bottom of the DS classic look, but with two extra nice. The new analog thumbstick works well, with strong action, but it looks like the prototype in a gray plastic plain. There is also a row of buttons at the bottom of the screen that introduces a "home" function allows you to easily stop the game on the trip. These features can wow in-the-know gamer, but I do not expect to attract a lot of ooh-and-ahhs just pulled out of 3DS.

Pint-size 3D big score early
This is the first generation device, though, and show real-stopper should pull it out and show off the 3D right in the palm of my hand. And for most, who garners admiration necessary. 3DS hand for spectators and 3D effects to-the-screen makes a strong first impression with both games included or 3D camera functions.
Play longer and practicality 3D, at least it was 3D, comes into question. 3DS display mode divides the picture into 3D reminds me of baseball trading cards lenticular. There is a fairly narrow sweet spot where the images discretely to go to each eye and the effect works well. Beyond that, shimmers the image, blur, into a double, and the 3D effect is lost.
For portable systems, tight tolerances required for viewing 3D with true cause problems. Just sit still, maintain the proper perspective, banging yourself in control with all kinds of intensity will be difficult. Start playing games that use motion sensors to control and it becomes almost impossible to maintain a good experience. Short silly sort of brace, I can not see how someone would keep the 3DS in the right place in front of their faces while rotating the shooting case. And while the musicians can get away with a harmonica rig hands-free, I'm not going to do the same with 3DS near future.
As long as I keep it in the right place, though, watching the screen did not appear to cause tension, especially large eyes. What happens fatigue seems more a function of the vibrating effect when I get out of alignment for a moment, breaking 3D. Slider to adjust the strength of the 3D effects have proven essential to my enjoyment of game play. For each one I found that I needed to take a moment and dial in the number of 3D that felt right. While the ability to make a big tuning, do not have a way to save the settings which means I have to find again the right place every time I play. I'm seriously considering cutting a notch into the case next to the slider to create some sort of measure.
code's get friendly
Ironically, 3D and even may not be the best reason to go out and drop $ 250 in 3DS. Nintendo took some welcome steps to connecting with friends and working on smart because the social impulse with 3DS. However, at the same time, glaring omissions reminded me that Nintendo still happy to know about modern social interaction connected.
For starters, with 3DS Nintendo finally institute a single friend code that works universally throughout the system. It's still a random set of numbers, but each other so it was; you connect with your friends for each game and to see when they are online and what they are up to.
But somehow that does not include share Mii. It puzzled me that on my friend's card to see my friends' Mii's face, but to get them on my machine, I had to import their Mii separately. And, of course, that can not be done online. To share my Mii either have to swap in person, or change your Mii into the QR code which can then be scanned to share. Oh, and to share that my QR code should take the SD card out of 3DS to be read on other devices. There is no way to upload directly from 3DS.
Keep it handy
There's a better chance I'll have my 3DS useful if I met a friend today. Besides adding them to my Mii Plaza, graduated Mii can be used for the two mini games. Puzzle Swap only tile picture puzzle where each Mii visit may or may not have a square to help solve the 3D image, nothing too exciting there. Find Mii, on the other hand, using visiting Mii as a hero in a simple role-playing game where they fight monsters to save your Mii being detained in a fortress.
That's a good idea, but was canceled by yet another error. For some unexplained reason, Mii can only take part in the game for a short time after it has been shared. So while the point of the entire Street Pass is to be passive joint experience in 3DS, if I am not quick to play the game right when the swap happened, I lost the chance to play.
Another incentive to keep on my machine all day came from coin play to be gained by walking around. Using the motion sensor as a pedometer, then 3DS tracks how many steps I take every day. For every 100, it gives me a coin. Coins can be spent in several ways. In Find Mii, a hero AI can be brought in to help search for 2 coins each. The coins are also used to purchase additional modes included in the Games AR. This is a simple economy, but very effective at getting me to take 3DS and put it in his pocket.
Who needs outside game that comes in the box?
Mii and productive addition to collecting coins, some of the most fun I had with 3DS so far come with two games included. Both use a combination of cameras, 3D display, and motion sensing for gaming reality plus. By holding 3DS up and use the screen like a window into the world, I see what the camera saw, with the virtual elements of the game plated onto the scene.
AR card games using the target to spawn a fantasy world on almost any flat surface. Its a shooting gallery and a marble mini-golf game crossed with a great pick up and play fun and great way to wow people with the system. Playing them is not all that practical, though. This card must stay in front of the camera line of sight at all times. So, moving around to shoot something, scene break when out of range. Worse yet, the camera is not very light sensitive so it is easy to lose the card in just a shadow of my body as I move around to shoot the things in the game. To actually play a game table, good light is necessary blocked.
Raiders face a little more player-friendly. Pictures from friends face, taken with the camera's built-in, a virtual target in the shooting arcade. The real world became the arena of play as a head without a body attack from all directions and must be shot down. I grabbed a few colleagues face and had a great time spinning in my desk chair fend off a wave of their attack. However, the action is fast-speed also makes this one game where the need to hold 3DS just in the right place to 3D be a real pain.
Ask yourself, is it worth it?
That's how my relationship with 3DS has gone. It's not quite a classic love-hate situation. I find myself more confused, wondering why things can not stop getting in its own way I love it. Every piece of machinery that makes me excited seems to come with a catch. Even the basic features I took for granted suffer this problem, such as support for all my DS games. Yes, 3DS run them but the new size of the screen above means that I either run them drawn to fill it, which makes everything blurry, or remember to press start and select when opening the game to run it at native resolution, which now looks a little extra on the screen greater.
There are really nice spark for the device here, and I imagine the second generation inevitably will discuss a number of issues. Until then, though, I would believe that I am willing to take the bad with the good before dropping $ 250 on 3DS.

LG Star

Best Dual Core Android Phone 2011 - LG Star, android based phones will likely become the next trend in 2011 in line with the rapid growth of this gadget android phone from Dell streak, samsung galaxy tab and also some other brands. such as the LG Star equipped with Dual Core processors nVidia Tegra2, although star android phone LG has not officially launched yet penampakkannya increasingly clear, even now there are parties who perform early preview of the LG Star, Like what the LG specification Star "the best dual core 2011 android phone ?
technology site Engadget managed to get a test unit of LG Star. They confirm the handset is completely equipped by Nvidia's dual-core processor Tegra2. Then the powerful 8-megapixel camera with full HD video recording capabilities. There is also an HDMI port.
Previously, it is not so clear how big the screen, but LG is now known to have a size 4 Inch Star with a resolution of 800 × 480 pixels. Unfortunately, as quoted from Phandroid, Tuesday (12/14/2010), the technology has not Amoled or something, but claimed the quality of the screen remains qualified.Picture of LG star best dual core 2011 android phone

When reviewed, the handset is still running Android Froyo, but could be pinned Gingerbread going to launch. Staying digadang, LG Star will be announced in the event the Consumer Electronic Show in early 2011, no longer.
The conclusion in the review it is LG Star have a performance very quickly. Benchmark tests show that this handset better than Nexus, HTC Evo until Galaxy S. In fact, the so-called, LG Star is one of the best Android phone in 2011. Let's see what LG does meet the expectations of the Star is pinned to him.
So when LG star will enter the Indonesian market? Gadgets LG definitely star as the best dual core 2011 android phone will be the target of the alias gadgetarian gadget lovers in Indonesia. we wait for more information about the price and specification LG LG star star.

Questions that occurred and has been spiced with since the announcement two IPAD is whether I will replace my first generation iPad new. The answer for me is yes, because it's part of my job to live with this gadget and I can understand the strengths, weaknesses, and appeal. For most owners of original iPad, I guess they will survive for version 3.
Why is that? Big changes are less obvious about external redesign as much as what is in it. New things like the snappier processor and built-in graphics that Apple promises will be up to nine times faster than the first generation iPad. There are also two cameras, which will open the device to more applications.
Even so, Apple could go further, which is why I bet a lot of first generation devices would be happy to survive. As Steve Jobs mentioned during yesterday's event, the company did not really need to add much. Competitors such as Research In Motion and Hewlett-Packard is still scrambling to get their tablets out in the market, while Google's Android tablets like Xoom who come at a higher price than Apple's entry-level iPads with a smaller library of tablet-specific software.
That said, there are five specific things that Apple could add but did not. We'll break down what they are and what impact they have on the product:
Retina DisplayApple's "Retina Show" technology first appeared on 4 iPhone and then made it into the latest version of the iPod Touch. Marketing speak aside, it is a high-density pixel display that packs in about four times the number of pixels as the default view. How does this trickle down to the application is a text with a smooth edge and the ability for developers to add more detail.
This omission will win for eyeballs, but unfortunately the sailing ships in 2 IPAD is the same resolution as the first. As the game Retina Display-ready and the application on 4 iPhone has proved, the effect has a high resolution in a small place can have a dramatic effect on the details for things like text, and detailed image.
Before the announcement of two iPad, rumors had circulated that Apple plans to add Views retina to the tablet. The report is then updated to indicate that the Apple store for the third generation of the device.
SD card slot / USB port:iPad largely been positioned by Apple as a companion to traditional computer. But that does not mean people do not use it for things they normally would do on the computer, such as installing cameras to store, edit and share photos they've taken on their digital cameras. Solutions Apple so far has sold adapter camera accessories that use 30-pin connector to interface with a good iPad SD memory card, or USB camera.

USB ports on all Apple computers ship, and the latest generation of the MacBook Air Pro and have been nailed to the SD card slot, which attracted double duty as a media reader and how to actually boot the machine with the recovery image.

Rumors began circulating in early September last year that Apple was working to bring a mini-USB port next to the iPad. Extra fuel was added to the fire with a number of third-party manufacturers of the original case design iPad 2 cases with extra holes near the top. It later turned out to be a revision of the microphone placement of Apple, which previously located next to the headphone jack.

So can Apple add one of these to the next model? Maybe. Although that would give people less reason to come out $ 29 for the connector kit.

Lightning connectivity
Lightning-fast Intel ports that debuted last week (read our FAQs here.) So far, it is only available on Apple's MacBook Pro line, which has refreshed the same day Thunderbolt officially announced.

Lightning promised to bring more speed than USB 3.0, which for something like time sync IPAD could mean dramatically faster when installing the device to the computer. That could be a very important feature to have as storage in the iPad increases, which in the new iPad, it is not.

Despite the obvious move here is that Apple will not restrict the main route iPad about connectivity to a computer for someone who has just been released just a week ago. A good historical example of the limitations of technology and the emergence of the iPod firewire. When the iPod was first introduced, only works with Firewire and a Mac, before making the move to PCs. This product comes during an awkward time in history where the USB 2.0 technology has just started to become ubiquitous, and PC makers that support the four-pin, unpowered FireWire port i.LINK versus Apple's 6-pin plug.

The result is that you can sync your iPod, but you can not be filled at the same time. You also need some juice to ensure it can complete the synchronization without dying. Apple interim solution, before switching to a USB 2.0 full, is to ship the cable 2-in-1 which will allow users to transfer Firewire, while charging the device with a USB port. Apple finally removed Firewire support USB 2.0, but also in the process lost some sustained transfer rates, which can add up during long synchronization.

Lightning could end up being the answer to bring the speed back, though with the new MacBook Pro sports is only one port Thunderbolt, which was also used to plug into an external screen, not quite at the point of that kind of user regular plug will have an open and available at any time. That certainly could change a little further down the line though.

Netbook Chrome OS

Google plans Chrome poured OS based laptops next year. Cloud-based laptop is expected to bring changes in the computer world. Curious not the same shape and also the look of Chrome Netbook OS?

Then Google finally introduced the Google laptop Cr-48. This laptop does not have an official name, while the code is meant Chromium contained in the periodic table of chemical. This gadget will be distributed through the Chrome OS Pilot Program, which operainya system is still a beta.

By spreading the laptop to a number of testers, Google hopes to get input (feedback) is valuable. There is no option to buy a new laptop because it will be released to the market next year.

Acer and Samsung will launch the Chrome OS bersistem laptop in early 2011. Cr-48 has a 12.1-inch LCD screen, QWERTY keyboard and trackpad, supports world roaming for 3G connections, dual-band 802.11n WiFi, battery 8 + hours and 8 + days standby, webcam, and flash storage media.

Tablet Motorola Honeycomb

Finally prime tablet computers made ​​this Motolola yesterday officially introduced and exhibited at the CES event 2011.Motorola Xoom, that's the official name of the tablet in attendance bring Motorola's latest operating system Google Android, Android 3.0 Honeycomb (operating system specific to the type tablet computer.)

With this, Xoom Motorola officially became the first tablet computer that is trusted by Google to bring Google's latest advanced operating system Android version 3.0 Honeycomb than other tablets that will even have its debut later.

Motorola Xoom presents slightly wider screen view of the iPad which is about 10.1 Inch Capacitive touch with embedded processors Dual-core therein NVIDIA Tegra two-speed 1GHz.

In addition, Motorola is also bringing Zoom 5 Megapixel camera and an extra 2 megapixel, which is capable of capturing 720p HD video with dual LED and auto focus. Unfortunately, this tablet running street CDMA network, CDMA 800 and 1900 precisely.

Full specifications Xoom Motorola Android

Tablet Motorola adopts Google's Android Honeycomb was demonstrated some time ago. Still little detail was revealed about this tablet, but the OS seems to bring Honeycomb allure.

PSP Phone

PlayStation Portable (PSP) handheld gaming system is the most sophisticated and advanced today. PSP has an amazing record sales, although still could not beat and compete in the sales of the Nintendo DS. Sony does not want to be second best, so that various attempts were made to it to dominate the handheld market.
One way to achieve that goal is to create a new kind of PSP, a PSP phone. This news was widely heard in a few months ago. There is still no confirmation from Sony about this. But from the last news received, type the new PSP will use a code name Zeus Z1.
PSP Phone is a device that combines the PSP with mobile phones. You can enjoy the full gaming experience on the PSP and also make calls, send text messages, check email, and has smartphone functionality with this gadget. The new PSP will have a gamepad PSP Go and touch screen used in Sony Ericsson smartphones.
The size of the PSP Phone is estimated at 3.7 inches or 4.1 inches in the form of pop-outs with the slider button on the PSP rather than a qwerty keypad. The new PSP also has a 5 mega pixel camera, Qualcomm MSM8665 processor, 1 GB of ROM, and RAM is 512 MB.
Sony has prepared a game specifically intended for new PSP, whether by creating new games or to change the specifications of the PSP games are in accordance with the PSP phone software. PSP Phone will be integrated with Sony's Marketplace so users can download a compatible online games. Reportedly compatible games Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and God of War. But of course we hope that this new PSP can be compatible with all PSP games available.
May all the advanced features on the PSP and all functions can be integrated with the smartphone has been good on this new PSP, and no downgrade. I'm sure if this new PSP can realize it would be a serious challenger to Google Droid or Apple I-Phone and of course, could threaten sales of the Nintendo DS.

New device HP / Palm

HP has acquired Palm plans to soon bring a new device based webOS. The combination of HP hardware and software Palm interesting awaited.

iphone 5

All about the iPhone five now are still in the stage of speculation. But look at the history of these phones are always in demand despite the controversy surrounded the iPhone 5 still will be the fruit of lips if it will be released in 2011

Wuah seems 2011 will be major changes in field magnitude nih gadgets, and the gadgetarian can have many choices of cool cool ..